This Site … WHY?
FIRST … Welcome to!

My name is Mike Tripp, but I also go by Arthyr the Pathfinder … or simply … Arthyr — Pathfinder.
There is no easy description to describe me, but the closest might be to say … I walk a Norse-Gaelic shamanic / animist path with little bit of American first people’s influences, shared by elders, woven in.
And that I have been charged with carrying a sacred Pipe that I’m still learning about.
I’m also a photographer and visual storyteller (photojournalist) … that’s another description.
And then there are those in places like the game Star Trek Online and international Star Trek fan club that know me as both a “starship captain” and a “fleet commander.”
For so long, I worked hard to keep separate each of these facets of my life, yet recently realized … I cannot.

Now, I will still maintain three different blogs, but will no longer try to completely separate one of those paths from the other as … together they all equal who I am.
So expect some bleed through from one to other.
Now, as for THIS website, I’ve had a spiritual blog that I’ve never done much with all along … although it kept changing names and shape as it has taken me a long time to begin to become comfortable in my own skin.
It’s hard walking alone spiritually and even more so when you have all these questions and no where to turn.
And for me, it was finding others who walked paths not quite the same but similar … that finally helped me to figure things out as they apply to myself and the path I’m on.
Would you believe it has taken me about three decades to finally except the fact that I am not just Mike Tripp, but also Arthyr — Pathfinder … a name that is not just me, but the ideals I’m striving to reach .. and the person I’m seek to become.
So, I finally decided to create … this place.
This website is a place where I’ll post about my own journey.