From Left to Right …
- Ngetal (Reed) : Direction, purpose and responsibility. Ordering chaos and ancestral skills.
- Laguz : Represents Water. It symbolizes intuition, emotions, flow, renewal, dreams, hopes & fears.
- Quert (Apple) : Wholeness, love, attraction, vitality. Youthful energy that is strongly linked to the Otherworld and Fairie realms.
- Mannaz : Represents Humanity. It symbolizes Individuality, Friendship, Society Cooperation, Help.
- Reversed more detailed … “The meaning of the inverted Mannaz rune. The most common meaning of the inverted Mannaz rune is an internal conflict that interferes with the resolution of the question that the person is asking about. When the symbol comes back, you need to pay attention, not to the behavior of the people around you, but to turn inward, to penetrate your soul: maybe there are fears, complexes, experiences, phobias that prevent you from moving on? Only the person himself can cope with his internal conflicts; you should not count on the help of others in such a situation.” ~ Source is Runeworld.com
For point of reference, I have two sets of Runes that I keep with me within my personal medicine bundle … an Elder Futhark crafted from Coyote bones & an Ogham set crafted from reindeer antlar.
Originally, I kept them second, but then I realized they represent to halves of my spiritual heritage and so felt led to blend them together into the same bag.
On this occasion, I had just made the decision to talk up the mantle of “Hauk the Wolfseye” … which is a long story in itself … followed by migrating to this website.
Began with “NorthernMoonseye.com” which never felt quite right and shifted to “Hauk–Kaiwolf.com” … Hauk being a name I have carried for some years now and Kaiwolf which is my spelling for a Coywolf that runs with me and even protects the Pipe I carry.
That website was meant to allow me to blend together my spiritual, photography and Star Trek Online fan-fiction websites / blogs … but after I launched it … I realized the three didn’t quite fit together in that form even though all three are a part of who I am.
I launched that site website to draw together the separated pieces of myself … but it was still off slightly.
Then came Hauk the Wolfseye.
Whereas Hauk — Kaiwolf was part of my name with the fact I saw Coywolf within me, Wolfseye is another name I’ve carried or had just as long as Hauk.
When I first picked up Wolfseye years ago, it was because it held two things within it that I wanted to work towards being …. I wanted to be worthy of the Wolf’s spirit as well as have the eye of the wolf … as a photographer and journalist … as a visual storyteller.
Following a recent Pipe ceremony, Hauk the Wolfseye … or Hauk Wolfseye … range through me like a bell.
But I had to make the choice myself to choose to walk with it.
Just as picking up Hauk had been a personal choice I had to make, so was deciding it was time to return to my roots and passionate love of being a visual storyteller and artist.
It’s who I am, and the moment I picked it up was the moment I realized it was time to separate the websites again (to best tell the three stories) but also to link them together via weblinks now displayed to the right-side top of each site’s page.
Separate stories woven together.
I also was making a commitment to all three journeys and all three parts of myself.
I’ve even got my personal handwritten journal back out and going as well as have made steps to walk forward with the visual storytelling again.
The runes were cast after I’d made these decisions … and … seem to support this.
As for Mannaz reversed, that reversed rune tells me that this was and is a decision I had to make alone.
No one could help me make it. No one could assist me in making it.
I had to be the one to make it and do so for myself and my walk alone.
This is a choice I gladly make as I look forward to seeing where this road leads … as a visual storyteller and Pipe carrier both.
— Hauk the Wolfseye
aka. Mike Tripp