Coyote … known by many as the trickster.
Painting an image of one primarily out for his own self interests.
Those of European origin / descent do not have the best track record when it comes to the Americas, the First Peoples of the Americas or the Natural World.
Now, I’ve been trying to figure out why would the trickster be so closely tied to this sacred Pipe I carry as one of its guardian spirits?
Coyote …. Could it be that one of messages it has for us as a people is the reminder of white man’s past? … The past of our Peoples?
And that is what we have to be weary of and on guard for as it’s so, so easy to fall back into those ways.
Just as it is so easy to take shortcuts.
White man and many in today’s worlds fall to easily into self-centered bad habits that even the trickster will find himself shaking his head at.
Coyote is here to encourage us to set aside the old ways and to embrace the true … like a former alcoholic encouraging another to set aside the bottle and they CAN do it.
They can reach for a better life that comes with a path of healing.
It’s easy to talk ourselves into this or that or to find ways to rationalize just about anything that will lead us to our own desired outcomes.

Walking the path requires dedication and commitment.
Makes me think of how hard the path can be for someone who suffers from alcohol or substance abuse.
One day at a time … a commitment to the path of recovery and a better life.
Reminds me of both shadow work and healings regarding the actions of past ancestors … and atoning for those actions in some way.
Even if just asking forgiveness for it.
But other than that … I like the other meanings of Coyote for the Cherokee that step beyond the Trickster …..
“In Cherokee spirituality, the coyote is said to represent many things. Coyotes reference a vigorous love for life, a penchant for jokes and fun, cunning and intelligence, a strategic mind, a laid back approach to living, physical agility and strength. There is one possible negative meaning.”
I’m working my way through Coyote and trying to dig deeper into him and truly get past the “trickster” role I’ve always had him locked in.
I mean, truly past it as I can say and think one thing, but then the heart and spirit deep down is still locked in on something else.
Sidenote …. Imagery …. Yesterday, rounded a curve in the road and came upon a Coyote who was at the base of a hill that was not quite straight up and down … steep angle / grade.
He was trying to figure out how to climb it and I’ve no doubt he would not have been deterred if I had not rounded the curve and surprised him.
But even then, he did not run and remained looking up that hill with determination before looking over at me for several long seconds and retreating back across the road … slowly.
I’ve no doubt he came back out and attacked that “wall” once I was gone.