Máni or Luna? … Which name to call the moon when addressing its spirit during prayer?
This is a question that has been in my thoughts off and on for a time now.
Although I’ve grown fairly comfortable with the Norse god’s name, Máni, I still catch myself looking up to speak to it’s spirit and saying … “Luna.”
Is that wrong?
I do not believe so as … take myself for instance.

Some will look at me and call me Mike while others (my mother and sister) call me “Michael.”
And then there are those online who have known me as Hauk and Pathfinder and others years back who knew me as “Standing Wolf.”
I even had a co-worker who called me “Tripp Tripp.”
All of those are me and so are my names.
Each one holds a power of recognition between the person who spoke it and myself as they said it … and I acknowledged it.
It’s the same with the Moon (Máni or Luna), the Sun (Sol), or the Earth (Mother Earth, Jörd or Danu).
Can be said of a great many things.
Just because one person calls something by one name does not necessarily mean they are wrong … especially if the other person, spirit or entity acknowledges and accepts it.
So regardless of if I choose to address the moon as Máni or Luna is beside the point as it’s what exists between me and that spirit.