I’ve been running with the shield design with the Viking ship on it for quite some time.
And that design has slowly evolved over the years … the addition of the hawk / owl in flight, the sun wheel, the Coyote/Wolf … even the colors.
But with this website and even more the changes in the course of my path, it felt right to switch the ship to a henge, adding an Ogham rune and even the words / quotes.
The changes have to do with the acceptance that my path is not just Norse with a slight sprinkling of Celtic / Gaelic … but Norse and Albion (old British Isles) equally or the scales shifting slightly more towards the Albion.
Why the name Albion instead of Celtic or Gaelic?
Albion is one of the oldest known names for the British Isles and my heritage is from those Isles as a whole.
And not just heritage … my spiritual ties are too those lands and … I’m not sure what I’ve been so resistant to it for all these years.
There was a time decades back that an old girlfriend spoke without thought to me in Gaelic.
It just slipped out as she was speaking as she had been taught the language by her grandmother who was passing it down from one generation to another.
When I heard those words, it was like a lightning strike — one that even now I can still hear the ringing of the words in my soul and the energy of that moment as if it just happened.

And then there was during a recent Pipe ceremony held at the fire where I just began talking to the old ones of the ancient tribes that date back as far as Stonehenge and before.
The ones that created many of the henges originally and that existed in a time when a land bridge still physically connected the British Isles to the lands of Scandinavia.
In the moment … THE moment that I began speaking to them … the flames of the fire went from a low quite burn to an intense roar the stretched high.
So, I know it’s not just about the Gaelic and Celtic who were there and followed, but the tribes that were more with the earth … the ones who existed in the times before that are connecting as well.
Moving on, the Ogham rune is “Nuin,” which represents the Ash tree which represents transformation.
This rune has been with me for well over a year now.
The words or quotes that changed.
Top is now … “Exploring the Ancient Pathways.”
Bottom is now … “There is more than one way to get to where we need to go.”
Both better reflect my journey as it is today.