NOTE — This article is transferred from the old website this one replaced. My Path has changed a lot since.
It’s hard to sit down and actually write for this blog.

Not that I do not wish to, but that to do so is putting oneself out there for all to see.
Then there are the old fears of being judged …. or in simply getting certain things wrong.
But those fears and the “getting it wrong” come from early in my personal journey and do not accurately reflect where I am at this point.
It’s time to step around and cast off the old fears and simply walk the path.
This past week, I felt led to finally do something that has been tapping at my spirit for a few months now … creating a designated sacred space … or vé … that is marked by stones at the various boundary corners.
Normally, when I’ve conducted a ceremony, blót or prayer, I’ve gone about casting a protective circle or sphere around the space for protection … and to keep out negativity to keep it from interfering, etc.
With this new designated space, it will always be sacred with the boundary stones charged in a manner to keep the space protected and dedicated to the gods, spirits and natural world.
Within the space are places to sit in meditation, study, prayer and ceremony … with a designated firepit as well.
It’s top of the hill at the back of our small grove in a spot that for the past couple of years was allowed to grow wild.
No photos of it yet but will post photos next time I get the chance as well as more stories on it.