Note: This is moved here from an old blog website.
A few weeks while between photography assignments, found myself walking the bridge and facing a fear.
Had enough time to FINALLY visit a place and do something I’ve been wanting to do for the past several years.
Wanted to visit and cross the High Bridge.
High Bridge Trail State Park is a rail trail in Southside Virginia converted from a rail line last belonging to Norfolk Southern. The first section of the High Bridge Trail opened in 2008 and the final section was completed in 2012.

I didn’t realize until I walked the trail and stood at one end of the bridge that for some reason … my fear of heights was coming into play in a huge way.
There was that overwhelming desire to chunk it all and turn back … saying … “I visited it. That’s enough for today.”
But no. Wasn’t going to let it keep me from doing what it is I felt I wanted and had to do.
So, dedicated the effort to the gods and set that first foot on the bridge.

I remember how the heavy sound the staff made each time it to tapped down onto the wood surface of the bridge.
When I reached the first observation platform (guessing about a third or slightly less of the way across), my mind started screaming … “This is far enough! You’ve conquered the bridge! Turn around and go home!”
But I ignored those words and realized would always regret it if I left the task uncompleted.
Plus, the gods would be disappointed me … almost as much is I would be disappointed in myself.
So, began again and kept going.
Listened to the rhythm of the staff tapping the bridged about every four steps.
THAT is what helped get me across as was able to enter an almost meditative state.
When I reached the other end felt such an elation that I hadn’t given up.
Trip back across wasn’t nearly as bad as I’d already conquered it with the first crossing … so was able this time to enjoy the views a bit more.